Human Rights
In Enervia, we have assigned the highest priority to preserve and promote human rights across all of our business activities. Our aim is to treat our employees and counterparties fairly, with respect and dignity, which is why we are committed to respecting all the human rights provisions that are reflected in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Also, by combining international standards such as the United Nations Global Compact, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in conjunction with local human rights laws and regulations, we provide safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees.
To respect our employees’ culture, diversity, and values, we conduct our business in a manner that is mindful of the local community’s rights. This has led to tremendous progress in our effort to promote tolerance and diversity in our area of influence.
Labour Laws
In Enervia, we are committed to promoting regulations that define suitable working conditions and protect our employees’ rights, which is why our company adheres to the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Some of the specific provisions in the ILO conventions that we adhere to include the following:
- ILO Conventions No. 29 and No. 105 that denounces and abolish forced labour of any kind, such as jail labour, indentured labour, slave labour, or any other form of coercive labour.
- ILO Conventions No. 87 and No. 98, which outlines the fundamental rights to organise freely and bargain collectively.
- ILO Conventions No. 132 and No. 138 that stipulates the minimum age for child labour and prohibits the worst forms of exploitation of child labour.
- Lastly, we abide by local laws, legal requirements and provisions in ILO conventions that define working hours, holidays, minimum wage, and compensation for our employees.
We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities free from discrimination of any kind, including sexual orientation and race. Also, our zero-tolerance policy toward abuse or harassment of any kind (physical, sexual, or verbal) ensures that we have a conducive work environment where all employees and counterparties are treated with respect and dignity.
To safeguard employees and provide a secure environment in which business operations can be successfully conducted, safety measures based on international standards and local regulations have been instituted. In accordance with our Health and Safety policy, we provide all of our employees with the necessary safety equipment and regular training on health and safety hazards.
We offer our employees the necessary amenities to perform their job in a safe manner. Wherever possible, on-site housing that meets the minimum requirements in terms of size, cleanliness, and appropriateness to local traditions and norms will be provided.