Corruption is prevalent in many of the jurisdictions where we do business, as shown by independent watchdogs like Transparency International. Therefore, not only do we condemn all actions that are corrupt or may be perceived as corrupt, we have adopted a zero-tolerance attitude against corruption.
Our strict anti-corruption policy is based on the Global Compact Anti-Corruption principle of the United Nations Convention, which reads;
“Corruption is recognised to be one of the world’s greatest challenges. It is a major hindrance to sustainable development, with a disproportionate impact on poor communities and is corrosive on the very fabric of society. The impact on the private sector is also considerable – it impedes economic growth, distorts competition and represents serious legal and reputational risks. Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.”
To that end, we expect all our employees and business partners to abide by our anti-corruption policies and established processes to identify and avoid corruption. We intend to thoroughly investigate and prosecute any such corruption or fraud instances that might arise to the full extent of the law.